Sabtu, Juni 07, 2008

ReQueSt fRoM auNTie ENO

tHis PoSTiNg ReQuest 4m auNTie ENO.. fuTuRe WiFe Nya uNCLe RaNgga.. a couples day ago.. auNtie eNo oPeN dis Blog.. aNd sHes CoMMENt : " why tHeRe's NO PiCtuRe's oF Me WitH FiNa aNd AdRa?"

i Said CoZ "i dont HaVe aNy CoLlectioNs U aNd My kid's.." SowRy.. Not Sure
tHeN sHe's SeNt 2PhoTo's 4m HeR CoLLeCtioNs..

NoW U'Re iN My Kid's BLOg !! tHats PiCture TakeN WheN tHeiR Go 2 CaRTooN NeTwoRk _ SeNaYaN..

auNTie eNo aNd om RaNgga iNi SuKa NgaJaK My Kid's GoiN SoMe HaVe FuN.. Mmm.. How NiCe U BotH.. Thumbs Up My WaRMest tHaNks 4Ur KiNd aNd HaPPy toucH.. Smile be WaiTin 4d' NeXt FuN tHeN Tongue Out

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Lilypie 6th to 18th TickerLilypie 6th to 18th Ticker